It's ALIVE!!! Giving a custom craft project LIFE
Piecing together remnants of this and stitches of that from my first needlepoint kit in my late-night Photoshop “laboratory”...
I’ve finally breathed life into a project I affectionately call “Needlestein”!
The project I talked about in a previous blog post has finally lumbered off the table, so to speak - bit-by-painstaking-bit in the witching hours of the night (read: after the kids requests for water, monster checks, and re-tucks have finally trickled down to blissful silence).
And me? By the time I ended each evening, hunched over wayward stitches, pulling my hair out over on-the-fly design modifications, and filling sandbags under my eyes, I bore a striking resemblance to the good Doctor himself. Husband, you wonder why I shun FaceTime and, frankly, daylight after a night of binge needlepointing… there’s your answer.
Over the past couple months, I designed, color-planned, sewed, [botched up, RE-sewed] (ad infinitum) and ultimately created my own custom rendition of the stitches and patterns I learned from my first foray into needlepoint, using the gorgeous thread remnants I’d saved from project 1.
It was an exercise in cherry-picking my very favorite new stitches, and frankensteining them into this bride to my first piece. Honestly, if time were infinite, I’d get my “mad scientist” back on and create one more to make a round trio.
Infinite gratitude to Kathy Rees of Needle Delights for her exquisite Tilemania kit (left, in “Cypress” color palette) that inspired my own “variation on a theme” (right). I’ve learned so much from you, Kathy!
But there are SO MANY more craft skills that I’m hungry to learn - more than a lifetime’s worth. And, for me, it’s the process of discovering and exploring that makes art a joy. Adventure is calling, and I must go…
As it sits, I’m knee-deep in a Brazilian embroidery kit, amigurumi ox pattern, and art marker experimentation. Out of the laboratory, and into… who knows!!
What crafts have you cobbled together from earlier explorations and brought to life?