Meet Rug Hooking: A Personal Review

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Over the course of my Rug Hooking blog series, it will have become (very) apparent that I absolutely LOVE this craft.

For a Type A, detail driven perfectionist, such as myself, rug hooking acts like an organic remedy for my raging control complex. I can coax, cajole, and manhandle my rug but, at the end of the day, the medium simply has a mind of its own. The material wants to lay just so. The colors find their own place. The pattern becomes more of a suggestion than a hard-and-fast template. It’s a beautiful exercise in letting go.

In the fussier arts - like colored pencil realism and beading - where precision is everything, I usually end my sessions with cortisol running rampant! But allowing the rug hooking process to organically unfold is freeing and relaxing. I find myself in a better state of mind following a rug hooking session than when I started. So…

  • If you are a tactile person, you will love this craft.

  • If you are budget-conscious, you will love this craft.

  • If you want a creative outlet that will de-stress you, you will love this craft.

  • If you enjoy connecting with a rich and ingenuity-driven past, you WILL love this craft.

Will I revisit rug hooking again? You bet! I’ve already got my next rug hooking project waiting in the craft closet!

Will I get others hooking? Already underway! (Hi, Mom! Hi, Becky!)

Is this where I’ll stop my creative quest? Absolutely not! A Renaissance woman’s explorations are never-ending!

Stay tuned to see what cool, new adventure you can join me on next. You know, basketry always intrigued me… and ceramics… and watercolor… and…