Meet Rug Hooking: Kits & Resources

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If you’ve been enjoying my blogs in the “Meet Rug Hooking” series, then I challenge you to take that enjoyment to the next level!

Below I’ve listed the products that I selected to teach myself rug hooking, and a list of really stellar online resources that I found while researching. Use them to start yourself off on your own rug hooking journey! Remember to pick a project that excites you enough to see it through to completion!

* Note: The resources listed below are ones that I found fun, inspiring, and helpful. I have no affiliation with, and have received no compensation for, including them on my list. I simply found them helpful, and believe you will, too!

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The Rug Hooking Products I Bought

My home color scheme leans heavily on blues and coppers, so when I spotted this charming, little rug hooking kit (above left) from WoolenFolkArt on Etsy, it was an easy pick for my first rug hooking project.

The materials were all pre-dyed, pre-cut, and neatly packaged and labeled. I added a Joan Moshimer rug hook to my order to round out the kit. The whole kit-and-caboodle arrived quickly; I barely had time to finish geeking out over my choice, before it was there in my mailbox! It was a riot to put together, and solidified what has quickly become an infatuation with the rug hooking craft.

At the same time, I fell madly in love with a Sharon Smith rug hooking pattern featuring this vibrant and colorful “Filly” (very top image). Visions of feature wall art dancing through my head, I called up Lisanne Miller, owner of the inimitable W. Cushing & Co., and said “help me make it look just like the picture! And, by the way, I’ve never rug hooked before!” Lisanne was patient and instructive as I peppered her with questions about colors, materials, tools, and techniques. She helped me pull together a vibrant, custom pallet - including wool that she dyed to match my house! - that wouldn’t put a serious hurt on my wallet (above bottom right).

I bought the pattern, materials, and a bent handle scissor through her company, and was glad to support such a customer-centric business.

After a rough first hooking experience with my cheap-o embroidery hoop, I also splurged on THIS swivel gripper frame from BeeCreekLtd on Etsy (above top right).

It’s maiden voyage will be on my “Filly” rug. I can hardly wait to test it out!

Rug Hooking Resources




  • W. Cushing & Co. - Lisanne, the owner, answered all of my novice questions kindly and thoroughly, and also worked with me over the course of several weeks to customize dye jobs for a very specific look I wanted for my upcoming rug hooking project. First class customer service!)

  • Deanne Fitzpatrick Studios

  • Gene Shephard

  • Michelle Miccarelli

  • Etsy - You’ll have to sift through the items - they mix latch hooking and punch needle products in with the rug hooking

  • Amazon - You’ll have to sift through the items - they mix latch hooking and punch needle products in with the rug hooking

Tune in next time for a personal review of the rug hooking craft, and how to decide whether YOU will love it, too!